Friday, July 10, 2009

Lean on Me

Awh, isn't this sweet...a sister and brother who love each other so much...Because they are so night and day, you might think that they don't get along. Trust me, they have their brother/sister moments but they really do love each other bunches and they look out for each other constantly. For example on the 4th of July, Reid and Ryan when out to shoot fireworks while safety Kendall safely watched from an open upstairs window, she lovingly screamed the entire time they were shooting, "Dad, do you think it is a good idea for Reid to have a blow torch?" "Reid, you are too close to the fireworks when they explode." "Dad, don't you think you should have a fire extinguisher for emergencies?" Ah, now that is love.

My prayer for them is that they are always "besties" deep down, they will always find a way to giggle, they will always love being together, and that they always "have each others back". Just like the words of this song:

Lean on Me, when you're not strong (weak)
I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on,
Before (five), It won't be long (short),
You're gonna need (elbow), somebody to lean on.

(If you were at Crosscamp you understand the words in parentheses.)

And just so that Mom's memories aren't completely disillusioned, Reid's true colors come shining through...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awe, how sweet! I'm loving the mohawk :o)