Monday, March 21, 2011

Shot Through the Heart

Replace the following lyrics in italics with the words in parenthesis...

Shot throught the heart (window)...

And your (Reid's) to blame...

Darlin' you give love a bad name (are in really big trouble)...

This is what happens to your shed window when your son gets a bb gun...

Reid's defense..."Well, I was aiming at Kendall, and she moved, so I accidently shot the window and I didn't know the gun was loaded, and...blah, blah, blah."

Yeah, Reid, just give Daddy the gun, you won't be using it for quite some time...So, I think I will refer this one back to Jon Bon Jovi and today's song lyrics..."An angel's smile is what you sell, you promise me heaven and put me through hell."

It's a good thing that he is cute...



Jenny said...

He gets it from Uncle Gary. And will he be washing windows? (The punishment to fit the crime at my house.) Actually relieved since I first thought "shot through the heart" was a reference to losing Monroe, although I admit I was having trouble relating a Bon Jovi song....

Four Better or Worse!?!?! said...

Been there done that. However neighbors window.