Saturday, October 17, 2009

Long Time Gone

I've been a Long Time Gone - approximately 4 weeks to be exact. Nothing much has gone on in the Workman household during the last 4 weeks. For me it has just a lot of sitting in the lazy-boy, watching TV, being spoiled by my amazing friends with fabulously yummy meals every night, being treated by my BFF Ash to Saturdays full of sitting on her couch and watching college football and eating yummy tailgating food, being driven around S*m's and Targay in a wheelchair by the work girls for my retail therapy, and Ryan (the best nurse, husband and father - EVER!!!) waiting on me hand and foot. I have not driven my truck in 3 1/2 weeks - that alone has just about sent me over the edge.

I had plantar fasciitis surgery. My amazing doctor, Dr. R, said my plantar fascia tendon was the worst tendon she'd ever seen with lots of scar tissue. It never would have healed on its own. She lovingly removed the scar tissue, clipped the tendon from the bone and has relieved my PF pain. I was in a cast and completely non-weight bearing for the past 3 weeks. It is amazing how ridiculously hard it is to be non-weight bearing. I seem to remember that it was so much easier 20+ years ago. So, I pretty much went from the bed to the chair, and then back. And let's not even discuss taking a shower while standing on one leg.

And, then, on Thursday, Dr. R, removed my cast. And while I was thankful to have the cast off, Dr. R then went all crazy and wanted me to try to walk with crutches but without a walking boot. I was so sure I would have the stability and comfort of my good old walking boot that I've come to know and love. And on top of that, she also wanted me to wean myself off of the crutches within 1 week. I was pretty sure that she had lost her mind at this point. I was more than scared to put weight on my foot but I tried it and well, let's just say that I did not fall on my face. In fact, it is now Saturday and I'm down to one crutch. I am recovering slowly but surely. My foot is getting stronger and I am gaining more confidence with walking every day.

Thank you to my hubby Ryan, to my sweet friends, to my family, to my taxi drivers, and to my amazing Dr. R. I love each of you and appreciate everything you have done for me and my family over the last few weeks. I could not have gone through this surgery without your help and support. I love you all!!!

Hopefully, I will be dancing by New Years!!!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Love from your MD friends!