Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here Comes Reid Claus

Operation Christmas Child is an organization that is run through Samaritan's Purse. The concept is to take a shoe box and fill it with toys, toiletries, candy, etc. The boxes are collected and sent to needy children all over the world. I thought this would be a great way for Kendall and Reid to understand the blessings they have been given and to share those blessings with those less fortunate. The kids had a really great time packing the boxes they were giving with a toothbrush, toothpaste, crayons, notebooks, soap, washcloths, Hot Wheels and Nerf for the boy box and a Barbie for the girl box. We talked about how we were showing Jesus' love with others. Kendall told me that "it really makes me feel good to help others, Mom!" I thought the object lesson had gone well....until this church....when I had this conversation with Reid....

Me: Reid, take your box up to the alter and place it with the other boxes and pray for the little boy that is going to receive your box.

Reid: What do I pray?

Me: Pray that your box will bring happiness to the little boy that receives it.

Reid: Okay.....

Insert here that I watched Reid take his box up to the alter, place it gently, get on his knees, hands folded, I could tell he was praying, my eyes filled with tears over this sweet little moment.....he comes back over to our seats with a huge grin....

Me: What did you pray?

Reid: I prayed that I sure hope that the little boy that is going to get the box has been good all year!

I did not say this to Reid, but I wanted to, "Reid you are not Santa Claus.....and the boxes are not given on a good or bad behavior basis, blah, blah, teaching moment, blah".....but instead.....I hugged his neck tight and said, "Reid, I love you, and I'm sure that little boy has been very good this year!!!"

How can he be so sweet and push us so far to the parenting edge all at the same time???!!!

Merry Christmas Box to all and to all a good night!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like more information about Operation Christmas Child, please visit the website at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


On behalf of Franklin Graham, thank you for participating in Operation Christmas Child this year. Your account of your little one is really precious. Thank you for sharing.

Darren Mullenix
Donor Ministries
Samaritan's Purse