Monday, March 16, 2009

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Have you ever misprounced something? Have you ever sung a lyric that wasn't quite right? Well, over the years we've come across a few of these. Here are some of my favorite examples:

1. Beau A. singing The Warrior by Scandal - "Shooting out the walls of heartache, bang, bang, I am Gloria."

2. Beau A. singing I Love Rock 'n Roll by Joan Jett - "Put another dime in the Toolbox baby."

3. J. H. singing Bad Moon Rising by Credence Clearwater Revival - "There's a Bathroom on the Right."

There are several others that I can mention - "Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza" - "Shot through the heart and you're too late" - "All those tubas covered with oil" and so many more but my very favorite of all time was several years ago when my dad came through the back door of the house singing and dancing a jig to: "Ahh, Ahh, Do the Funky Lady"

Me: Dad, what are you singing?
Dad: You know that new Aerosmith song...Do the Funky Lady...
Me: (Very frustrated that my dad is even listening to Aerosmith) The words are Dude Looks Like a Lady...
Dad: No, Ahh, Ahh, Do the Funky Lady...(still doing the jig along with the song - I'm mortified!)

Needless to say an argument insues and to this day anytime I hear that song...I sing my Dad's words not the real ones.

Now to words that are mispronounced: Here's my new favorite:

Look at the picture above. How do you pronounce this candy? Because here is the conversation that Reid and Ryan had on Friday night:

Reid: Dad, can I have one of your Who Peppers?

Ryan: (Laughing hysterically) One of my whats?

Reid: Who Peppers? That candy you are eating...(Pointing to the candy with his smartellic Reid face.)

Ryan: (Still laughing hysterically) Buddy, their called whoppers.

Reid: Oh sorry....but can I have one?

So share the wrong song lyrics or a misprounced word with someone'll get a good laugh but be careful, you might just end up on somebody's blog!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Brent messes up the words to EVERY song he sings! Radio, worship... anything. It does not matter if he knows every word correctly... when it comes out of his mouth he makes up his own. I wish some examples would come to mind, but since it is mostly EVERY song I have begun to not even notice.=)